Life After Lupus

About Andrea Lende

Andrea Lende battled both lupus and Grave's disease and regained her health using natural methods. She journals her experience from illness to health, sharing exactly what she did to get well. 

Andrea was initially diagnosed with the autoimmune disease, lupus, when she was thirty years old. It took her three years to regain her health, which she did through diet and natural solutions. 

She shares her journey to help others live a life of healing, love, and thankfulness.  Her path through her course of sickness to health heightened her spiritual being and she continues to rely on God's faithfulness through all of life's challenges. Years later, she still enjoys an active lifestyle. 

Physical healing often requires mind and spirit healing as well. The power of believing is an integral part of all healing, and is one of Andrea's favorite topics to speak about. She is also very passionate about the healing power of God, which is another one of her favorite topics to share.

Andrea writes daily prayers and meditations and offers online Bible studies. She's written over one hundred songs, authored a number of books, and spoken to many about her recovery.

Health & Wellness

A  Personal Letter from Andrea Lende:

Dear Autoimmune Sufferer:

Health and wellness are normally taken for granted of until we are faced with illness. Autoimmune illnesses are difficult to diagnose so most of us have seen countless doctors and had countless tests that yield inconclusive results. Learning to navigate the medical system is difficult at best. 

Everyone's experience with autoimmune is different. Mine started with allergies and breathing difficulties. I saw many doctors and most of them prescribed medicine that I couldn't take after a dose or two because of allergic reactions to them. I found natural solutions to my health problems and am very grateful that my path led me find true health and wellness.

I cleared my home and personal care items of toxic chemicals and utilized a plant based diet to overcome Lupus and Grave's Disease. 

I would love to help open a pathway for health and wellness if you are suffering with an illness. 

If you are interested in receiving health and wellness tips from me, please register to receive them below!

Do what you think you can't!

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Being grateful changes our hearts for the day

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Many blessings to you and yours for this New Year!!🙏

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